Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mixed signals....(thoughts)

Mixed signals....

Today I will be discussing mixed signals in Real Estate, Driving, and Life in General.  Do we send mixed signals intentionally or unintentionally?  Take driving for example.  I’ve recently noticed a trend of drivers crowding the line that separates your lane from their lane, and when I slow down so as not to cause an accident they then take my spot in my lane.  Now this is not a mixed signal, but how hard would it be to signal and see if I could let them in.  Another trend is just changing lanes without signaling period.  I see many drivers change lanes or jump in front of me without signaling.  I’m a little confused by this.  Is it because when they do signal, drivers crowed the car ahead of them to prevent an opening in the road?  I suppose that would create mixed signals for the driver needing to merge into another lane.  So take them by surprise, change lanes without notice.  Oh, then you have the oblivious driver who pretends they don’t see you…  So maybe it’s not mixed signals, the signal is loud and clear, for those who have no curtsey on the road, be prepared to be cut off…..

Then there’s Real Estate, here’s where the lines just get blurry!  Today’s home values and interest rates have never been more affordable.  On the Radio, TV, and in the Paper, you see buy now, low…low… rates, low home values, ect.  What’s the message?  Don’t rent when you can buy for less than renting.  So here’s where we need to back up just a bit.  What about teaching people to protect their credit?  Two years ago, lenders were writing loans for Subprime loans (about 500 credit score).  I was watching TV the other night and there was a car commercial, “Bad credit…no problem, No credit…no problem”.  So when buyers today have bad credit, they think they can still buy a home….  Why is this, because everything else in today’s economy seems to lend even if you have bad credit.  What if you couldn’t rent a house or an apartment due to bad credit?  Do you think buyers have mixed signals?  They hear buy now….low rates….no credit, no problem….bad credit, no problem….  I think the first step would be to show people (buyers) that they can save a TON of money if they improve their credit.  Not just buying a home, but auto insurance, credit cards, and a variety of other products.  I know someone whose homeowner insurance went up $650 due to their credit score dropping.  Imagine how much money you could save, and the things you could do with that extra money if you protected your credit score….  “Just a thought”!

Life is full of mixed signals, sometimes we do it to ourselves.  I myself am a good example, I’m looking for life changing possibilities and when confronted with opportunity I run the other way.  Why can some people own life (take it by the horns) so to speak, but own it without fear.  Then others play the game, live life cautiously, and seldom make risky decisions.  Have you ever been in turmoil with yourself?  Not a fun place to be, day after day conversing with yourself on life, dreams, even a bucket list, and day after day, talking yourself out of everything you want to do.

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